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verdon_rd.JPG (9954 bytes)

Verdon Road by the Old C&O, Doswell, VA

csx_from_hollywood.JPG (11971 bytes)

CSX beside the James at Hollywood, Richmond, VA

amtrak_ashland_mod.JPG (13506 bytes)

Amtrak Southbound at Ashland, VA

amtrak_ashland_station_mod.JPG (12434 bytes)

Amtrak Ashland, VA

ashland_station.JPG (23322 bytes)

Station at Ashland, VA

bridge_lynchburg.JPG (18548 bytes)

Abandonded Railroad Bridge east of Lynchburg,VA

CO_balconyfallsva.JPG (17328 bytes)

Chessie beside the James at Glascow, VA

cow_chessie_trail.JPG (12878 bytes)

C&O road bed between Lexington and Buena Vista, VA

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NS at Boones Mill, VA

amtrak_ashland.JPG (63056 bytes)

Amtrak, Ashland Va #2

rf&p_ashland.JPG (44682 bytes)

RF&P Steam, Ashland, VA

c&o_glascow.JPG (45943 bytes)

C&O Steam,  Glascow, VA

C&O_doswell.JPG (53760 bytes)

C&O Steam, Doswell, VA

c&o_gilmersmill.JPG (61761 bytes)

C&O near Gilmers Mill, VA